Believe it or not, the weather can sometimes have horrible effects on your ac unit! There are things you can do to be proactive in these cases. Making sure you have scheduled with your heating and air conditioning repair services tech for your annual tune-ups. Extreme weather such as high winds, rain and or floods, hail, and tornadoes are good examples of this. In West Texas, we are all too familiar with hail and high damaging winds! A couple of ways San Angelo HVAC repair services can help you with any of these weather conditions will be stated below.
One of our heating and air conditioning repair services techs can evaluate the location of your outside unit and determine the best course of action to take in each instance. In the cases to do with damaging hail and high damaging winds, the heating and air conditioning repair services tech may suggest covering the unit with a tarp or specially made covering to help protect your unit from either of these two cases.
Another thing the San Angelo HVAC repair services techs may suggest is that after heavy winds there would have to be to go out afterward and check-in and around the area of the unit and make sure the area is clear of any and all debris. The heating and air conditioning repair services techs may also suggest that you may want to cut and or trim back any trees or bushes that may break off and land on the unit causing damage to it. West Texas has also been known to have some majorly huge damaging hail storms!
When and if this happens, if you can not or do not have a covering for your outside unit chances are you will be needing our heating and air conditioning repair services techs to come an look at your unit an assess the damages and then let you know what the best plan of action will be to make getting you back on track. Luckily we don’t have to worry about tornadoes too much around these areas, but you still need to try as much as you can to protect your unit from those elements also. Now all of us West Texans know all too well about the extremely hot and high temps summer and even into fall can bring around!
These ever so miserable hot temps can mess with your unit’s efficiency! The hotter it is outside the harder your unit has to work to keep the inside of your home at a reasonably comfortable temperature! Your ac unit is assigned a SEER ( Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio ) which indicates the level of efficiency you can expect from your unit. The higher the number ( such as 14-18 ) the more efficient your unit will be. Once again having one of our San Angelo HVAC repair services techs come out and do a seasonal tune-up on your unit will make sure everything is in perfect working order so you can stay nice and comfortable in your own home! I mean imagine a world or a time when and where there were NO air conditioning units!!!
I don’t even want to imagine it! The nasty hot temps are one of the reasons we do have these awesome inventions! On a side note our specialty-trained heating and air conditioning repair services techs can also assess your older units and let you know if it will be able to make it through one our horrible West Texas temps or if it’s on its last leg and if we need to get you set up with a quote on a better more efficient unit that has no problem handling these temps! Another suggestion our San Angelo HVAC repair services techs may have is during any and all weather conditions is to have a regularly scheduled maintenance service call already set up. Lets us set it up with one of our regularly scheduled maintenance plans at least twice a year to help keep any and all unexpected and somewhat expected things from happening with your unit

and your home! Believe it or not, a lot of junk can build up in just a couple of months in our unit form just a day to a life that can cause your unit to run sluggish and not at its full efficient capacity! These are just a few instances that our heating and air conditioning repair services techs make house and business calls to help you keep everything running smoothly and more efficiently! Humidity is another case that can cause your unit to not function properly. Too much moisture in the air, especially things such as fog and smoke can clog up your unit’s filters in which case causes your unit to bog down and can also leave a mold smell in the inside of the house. when this happens especially in older units that can not hand the workload it can cause the unit to freeze up and or over.
In this case, you will definitely need one of our San Angelo HVAC repair services techs to come out and get you back on track. One effect no one ever really thinks about that can be very damaging, especially in high winds is your yard decor! For instance the cute little fences people tend to put around their ac units can actually block airflow to your outside unit not to mention blow over an up against your unit completely blocking airflow. When this happens your unit cant breathe causing it to overheat, lock up and or freeze over leaving you with a massive expense to have heating and air conditioning repair services techs come out 24 hours a day. Another case most people do not even think about is birds, small animals, and rodents getting into their unit building nests and or homes that cause blockages inside of your outdoor unit!
We suggest regular checks for this to keep from anything happening to it or once again you will be needing one of our heating and air conditioning repair services techs to come to the rescue. Air conditioners work hard every day to make sure we come home to a comfortable environment so shouldn’t we do the same for them? It’s as easy as just setting up a routine tune-up with one of our San Angelo HVAC repair services techs!