There is such a big world for Lubbock HVAC. There are so many different opportunities
to grow and learn. Our technicians are licensed and certified, however, there is always new
technology coming out and proving that we don’t know it all. We do our best to keep ourselves
up to date with the most recent technology out there available for your homes. If there is
something you are looking forward to adding to your home, let us know! If we don’t already have
your part, we will get it ordered and on a truck in no time! We understand that each home has its
own needs and that the case will vary from family to family. The only thing that does not vary is
the fact that each one of us is looking for comfort. Comfort of a system that is going to take care
of your home and your family and friends the same as you would. We provide many
types/brands of systems, if you are interested in getting one, we would be happy to go over the
benefits with you. There is no reason to continue struggling with a home system that is not up to

Heating and air conditioning, even in Lubbock HVAC, can be complicated, however. The
equipment will have to match the size of your home, have correct venting throughout the home
and have pieces that all work together. If you are only replacing a single piece of equipment
such as the furnace, coil or condenser, it can cause issues. The units need to be the same
refrigerant type. If they are not, the unit can become slugged up and quit working all together.
The units seer ratings must also be compatible, if one unit is working at a faster speed i.e more
efficiently, then it could leave the older unit behind and cause parts to fire at the wrong time,
causing internal damage to the unit. We usually recommend replacing the coil and condenser
together so that we know for sure that they will be compatible cooling units. However, it is
possible to just replace on or the other. We can have a technician go out and look over the unit
and see what kind of unit would have to be installed to complete the system. We can also
sometimes look at the model and serial numbers and be able to look up the complete specs of
the unit and cross reference what kind of unit would be compatible! The technology surrounding
these units is pretty broad, so if you have questions ask our Lubbock HVAC team.

Snow Bear Heat and Air is a company grown out of Amarillo, TX but we have taken over
the Lubbock HVAC area. We know, even as a small town company, that we can compete with
the biggest of HVAC giants. We do everything based on honesty and solid work ethic. We have
set a standard for ourselves and we know that you expect the job to be done in a timely manner.
We will always do our best to keep things speedy and efficient. There is no fun in waiting around
in the heat and we completely understand that, especially with today’s busy schedules. These
issues are inconvenient and it is usually upsetting to have to call an emergency repair service
like us. The repair costs are unplanned for, there’s no time to get it scheduled, your family is hot,
whatever it is, we know these things are not on the “to do” list for the week. So call a company
that can be there, get it done and make it simple. Our diagnostic fee is just $7 for first time
customers, meaning you don’t have to plan for a giant payment upfront just to figure out what is
going on with your system. Our technicians will go out and diagnose the issue and if you agree,
we can get the repair done right then and there if we have the materials handy or can contact
you the soonest time those components will be in!

We do service other areas other than Lubbock HVAC. Wichita Falls, TX, San Angelo, TX
and Waco, TX are also cities we service, other than our hometown Amarillo, TX. We are
expanding every day and growing through the word of our customers. We are the highest rated
and most reviewed company here in Amarillo. Our customers’ reviews speak for themselves
and we love for our previous customers to be able to tell our future ones about their experience!
As a consumer, we all want the best bang for our buck and for the bang to last a really long
time. Why spend the money if you are just going to be back in the same situation? We wouldn’t
and we don’t expect you to! If you are looking for heating and air services in Lubbock HVAC,
call us! We would be happy to help you find the perfect system for your home. Each brand we
provide all have their own quirks and perks but they all have our faith that they will do good by
your home, family and visitors!

Call us at 806-367-9416 to be able to speak to a representative
from our team about everything that you may want or need for your home. We can discuss
plans over the phone or we can send a technician out to your home to have a look and discuss
with you what you would like to change. We do also offer financing options that we can assist
you in applying for. You can also find the tab on our website and apply for what you think you
may need. Lubbock HVAC is a big, new world for us but it is something we are ready to
conquer. Remember, we are always open and ready for your questions. We want to be able to
guide and assist you through the process of finding exactly what you want. Our staff is ready to
make your home the comfiest place for you!